Life Of Pi
About the filmLife of Pi is a very simple story but its how the story is told which is what makes this film so special and how different the film is to any film i have ever seen before! It's hard not to really believe that everything that you see isn't real! It's set in India in today's day but as Pi tells us his story it goes back to his childhood days!
The Plot
Life of Pi is all about a very touching journey which lasted 2 months 17 days in the middle of the ocean. The family live in India and they own a farm but the father sells the farm to the government, but they just buy the land so the family have to move away and to carry the farm going they need to move to Canada, along with all the animals.
They travel on a big ship en route to Canada when the fall into rough sea's! Pi gets forced onto a life boat and finds the Tiger from the farm, but the Tiger is known for being very dangerous! The huge ship sinks and leaves Pi on the life boat with this huge Indian Tiger. On his travels he uses his life skills to stay away from the tiger but to keep himself alive. Pi being a Christian does everything he can to save the tiger even though it is very aggressive but another storm comes and Pi feels himself getting attached to the tiger which makes this journey very touching! On the journey they come across some amazing animals and islands, animals from blue whales to flying fish to meerkats.
Personal Ratings
I do think Life of Pi is a pure digital masterpiece; but the whole film I couldn't stop thinking that it was all fake and all CGI. The Tiger itself is all CGI, every animal that you see in the film is a computer image which took away some of the belief of the film, but it does look outstandingly real, every animal looks so real, it's all flows beautifully together with the scenery, colour and the animals. The CGI is the best I have ever seen in any film, I can really see why this film won 5 academy awards! There are some scenes which are very touching which really builds a relationship with the character and the Tiger! The colours of whole film are very different to any other film I've ever seen! It's the only fantasy film which I have really enjoyed watching and wanted it to go on for longer. It's one of those films you do really have to see it to believe it, it's an incredible looking film!
Definately a film worth watching